High School Film B & W

My mom found some old black and white prints that I did in HS, and gave them to me the other day....  I laughed, laughed some more, thought WHO gave this girl a camera and some film, and then I realized that these photos are where I (as a photographer) started.  We all have to start somewhere right?  

My original career path of real estate was as far from photography as I could get, but it seemed a good fit since I literally grew up in a real estate office.  That office is still there, and I visit my parents there every few days for one thing or another.  My real estate license is hanging on those walls.  

A few years ago, I'm not telling how many...  I combined real estate and photography.  When the opportunity to do the photography and virtual tours for our office came up, I took that on to my laundry list of office responsibilities.  Not really glamorous, and not even fun at times (um yes sir those dirty underwear on your floor WILL help sell your house all that much faster)... 

To make a long (and not really interesting) story short, here I am today....  New career (even though my old one is still there, hanging on a wall) doing something I love.  Now, if I can just make some money at it, I'll be golden. 

For now, please enjoy these blasts from the past, and since I am in a great mood I will include my FB descriptions.

Flowers, yes flowers. Nothing has changed. I have always loved them, and photographing them. This is where my love of photography started.

More flowers....No surprise there. Come to think of it, I am still waiting for my at home dark room that my dad promised me.....

One of my favorite subjects then, and now. I can't believe he is now the same age I was when I took these photos. ♥

An out of focus, and terribly framed building. Because the dead trees in front are much more interesting. I don't really know about this one. ♥

Trees...Yes, trees. Not very interesting, but don't blame a girl. I hadn't quite learned about composition yet...I was in high school for goodness sake...



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