28 Sunflowers?

I get asked all of the time where I came up with the name of my business.  Well, it came to me in a dream, and the rest is history!

I kid....

Really there is a deeply personal reason behind it, and I loved it so much more than Pamela Leon Photography.  Or, Photos by Pam.  Or, Pam Rocks Photography.....  You get my drift.  Maybe I just don't like my name?  Ah...childhood issues?  Maybe?

Oh, back to 28 Sunflowers Photography...  Where did the name come from?  My birthday is the 28th, and it happens to be my favorite number in the entire world.  Really.  It was my volleyball number in high school.  It has been SO many things.  I get excited when I see 28 on the clock.  It is currently on my license plate (yes I sheepishly asked the DMV lady to search for one with 28 on it).  I even got my high school boyfriend to ask the poor DMV lady to find one with 28 for his plate all those years ago (I think I have a problem....).  It just is such a lovely number....  oh beautiful 28..... 

Now here's the deal with sunflowers...  I love them.  I do.  I always have, for as long as I can remember.  I even have a tattoo of one (oooh, I'm such a rebel)!  

Then one night in a dream......I mean one day while working, and thinking, and stressing about a stupid name for this business I just came up with it.  Like magic, ok not really magic, but you get the idea.  And I think I am going to just cut the last part out about how I came up with the name.  Saying it came to me in a dream sounds so much more romantic....

In closing, my business name is unique (kind of like my sense of humor), and is a little part of who I am...

So, now you know!



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