Attention Class of 2012.....Interested In FREE Senior Portraits?

Yes?  Yay me too!  Where can we get some? 

I kid, I kid...

I am currently looking for one boy and one girl from Boulder City High School to be my 2012 Senior Reps.

Not from BC?  Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do? 

Ok, fine you talked me into it.  I will consider adding Reps from additional schools as my schedule permits!

Ok, so what exactly IS a Senior Rep?  In the simplest terms, you are my walking-talking-super exciting-cheerleading- Spokes Person!  Wooooooo!  Wow that was a mouth full....

Excited yet?  I am! 

Here are the details........  YOU get a free (yep I said it F.R.E.E.) Senior Portrait session.  Then you help market our completely fun-awesome-stupendous services to your friends while earning credits towards prints!  That's it, in a nutshell... 

Interested?  Email me with your information at .  Tell me a little about yourself, and why I should consider you!  

Easy as that!  Now get to it Class of 2012!  




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